About ME


I’m Pooja पूजा, which means sacred ceremony and prayer in Sanskrit. I am the daughter of two Indian immigrants born on Iroquois land (what is now Buffalo, NY).

I grew up in a traditional Indian family in a predominantly white community. I was raised to achieve and perform, and I did. I graduated valedictorian, and went on to graduate with honors from Stanford and Harvard.

I was a curious, caring human committed to changing the world. But the truth is…I couldn’t know the world I wanted to change because I didn’t know myself.

While at Harvard, I was diagnosed with stage four cancer. This blew me open in all directions—spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically.

And it was then that I really started making bold choices that nobody around me understood…

Since then, I’ve studied the science of self and spirituality in three countries, wrote and published my first book, started my own company and successfully supported hundreds of clients to achieve life changing goals, met the loves of my life (my partner and dog) and so much more!

From my own lived experience, I know us humans can change the course of history and our story at any time we so choose.

We can choose to dance to a tune that is in integrity with our heart and soul as opposed to what is expected of us or considered “normal.”

I have spent decades in training in the healing arts and the science of self knowledge. This includes yoga, breath work, meditation, sound healing, traditional/indigenous medicine, past lives, ancestral healing and mediumship.

I’m also a certified public school educator, have studied and taught education courses at Harvard University, and have my NLP coaching certificate from an ICF accredited institution.

And…I love helping people like you live happily and freely with peace and joy in your heart.

I support my clients to heal, express their truth, walk confidently in their purpose, and share their talents with the world.

My clients are brave souls who value living an abundant and authentic life for which there is no blueprint! If that’s you, let’s connect.



✔Are done with the rat race, anxiety & dis-ease

✔Don’t think they have it all figured out

✔Are ready to exercise their inherent power to choose

✔Question traditional notions of success

✔Value freedom, truth, lasting peace + joy

✔Are ready to have some fun!!!
